Can Lis - Cartographical Diary
(2014) - During my 1 month residency stay at Jørn Utzons Can Lis
The folded diary tells two sides of the same coin. If you read the book from one side, you read my classical diary of my actions, factual events and hard data that could prove to have fluctuations of my mental perception of space.
If you read the book from the other side, you read my mental visual diary, where I explain my mental state, and feelings of the place and spatial units.
The diary can be unfolded so that the two diaries can be read together - as one long cartographical timeline.
By freezing the time the representation will provide a concrete tangible and spatial sense of how my mental space changed in time during the stay.
The representation follows the linear time from my stay, which is built up from the beginning of my stay and shows the changes during the process to the end of the stay. The drawing is a long coherent model with of a cartographical character, so it can be read like a map where you can follow different ‘paths’.
Diary unfolded. Continues to day 29
Folded Diary - opens from one side
Zoom in on visual diary day 2